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Friday, September 16, 2011

Legal Thief Content with Google Page Rank

Internet usage in Indonesia is growing. But the ethical aspects in the surf looks still negligible, there are a number of proven cases of theft of content that includes articles and data without mentioning the original source.

In fact, the stolen content can be duplicated at various sites. To suppress the theft, adopts Google page rank (ranks).

"Theft of content must be eradicated.
That's why we pass off page rank system, "said Ross LaJeunesse, Head of Asia Pacific Public Policy and Government Affairs of Google, on the sidelines of the Internet Healthy Discussion at the Hotel Harris,

With this system, said Ross, the original content will be displayed in the first page of Google search engine.

"The system was imposed algorithms variety of content, so the content will be degraded by the tracing system," he said. "Content plagiarism, by itself would be a penalty, which is not shown in the Google search engine."

Application of the page rank system is thankful for the variety among internet users, especially the bloggers. "Thus, the plagiarist will die by itself," said Nukman Luthfie, online observers.

Nukman was deeply troubled with content theft and plagiarism. But unfortunately, content owners can not do much due to demand, need extra effort. "If you want to be prosecuted, could it be, but need more efforts, including rent lawyer," he said.

However, Nukman hope, better online activists to stay focused to create quality content. "Better we created a brand that we manage," he added. "If we are content quality, people will visit the website that we create by itself. Especially if the content you pull back, "he said.

Plus, says Nukman, content thieves will get a penalty from Google as well as scolding from the community. "This will be effective to stop the thieves content," he said.


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